Give us a call if you want to know if hydrotherapy is right for you.
One on one individualized sessions in the pool with an Aquatic Rehab Specialist. The session may include a combination of specific muscle strengthening, cardiovascular training, balance and coordination exercises, relaxation drills, and hands on manual therapy techniques.
Research has shown aquatic rehab can assist with healing, and promote improved function to allow a faster return to daily activities.
Positive Effects Include:
- Cardiorespiratory strengthening
- Improves muscle strength, tone, and flexibility
- Decreases swelling and improves circulation
- Provides balance and coordination training
- Decreases arthritic pain and lower back pain
- Lessens chronic pain
- Maintains bone density
- Stimulates psychological well being
Those who can Benefit:
- Individuals with Sport and Orthopaedic injuries
- Post-Surgical patients including joint replacements, ligament repairs, and abdominal surgeries
- People with Neurological Conditions
- Individuals in Chronic Pain programs or Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs
- Stroke Rehab